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Café Ambre Noir - Sultan Pasha Attars
Café Ambre Noir - Sultan Pasha Attars

Chypre Chrysantheme

Sultan Pasha Attars

Regular price £150.00 Sale



by Thomas Hardy

Why should this flower delay so long
   To show its tremulous plumes?
Now is the time of plaintive robin-song,
   When flowers are in their tombs.

Through the slow summer, when the sun
   Called to each frond and whorl
That all he could for flowers was being done,
   Why did it not uncurl?

It must have felt that fervid call
   Although it took no heed,
Waking but now, when leaves like corpses fall,
   And saps all retrocede.

Too late its beauty, lonely thing,
   The season's shine is spent,
Nothing remains for it but shivering
   In tempests turbulent.

Had it a reason for delay,
   Dreaming in witlessness
That for a bloom so delicately gay
   Winter would stay its stress?

- I talk as if the thing were born
   With sense to work its mind;
Yet it is but one mask of many worn
   By the Great Face behind.



Lime, Lemon, bergamot, Lemon Verbena, Rosa Alba Otto, jasmine Absolute,


Chrysanthemum Absolute, hyacinth accord, Damascena Rose Absolute, Centifollia Rose Absolute, lily of the valley accord, Coffee absolute, Clary sage, honey absolute. 

Base: Oakmoss, tonka absolute, Civet, white ambergris, beeswax, aged patchouli,musk, labdanum, Madagascan vanilla, Siamese benzoin, Seaweed Absolute, styrax, castoreum, olibanum, Sandalwood Mysore, bourbon Vetiver and much, much more 



Important terms and conditions

I will include a tiny sample of the exactly same composition alongside the bottle for you to try so you may evaluate and be fully confident with your purchase, please try this sample prior to unsealing the bottle... if the wax seal on the bottle has been broken or tampered with then it will be void from refund. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase I will refund your money back within 14 days of purchasejust return back the wax sealed 3ml bottle unused and in its original wax sealed condition.

The composition will be freshly decanted in to a sterile bottle only on point of sale. 


Disclaimer and safety information 

Perfume oils are not for consumption. No liability will be assumed by “Sultan Pasha Attars” or its employees or affiliates for any claims arising out of the use or misuse of these perfume oils. Please keep all perfume oils and fragrance products out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, have heart disease, epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other medical condition that can be affected by essential oils or fragrances, please seek the advice of a health professional before using perfume oils.

Perfume oils are highly concentrated, and as such, may cause skin irritation. Keep all essential oils, perfume oils and fragrance products away from eyes and mucous membranes. Skin test all product samples before using. Apply a small amount, less than a drop, to the skin on your inner arm. Do not use if redness or irritation occurs. If redness, burning, itching or irritation occurs, stop using product immediately and wash with soap and water to clean the affected area. If self treatment is not effective, consult your medical provider.

For further queries contact me via email: